“King the Land” – Korean Drama Review 32

9/10 – this is a controversial take, because it may be argued that this drama is just very fluffy, full of cliches, pretty shallow, and just a typical romcom and nothing special. AND I WOULDN’T EVEN DISAGREE WITH THOSE OPINIONS. But the amount of sheer glee and enjoyment I got from the charisma of the characters made this drama a win for me haha. It very much has Business Proposal/What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim vibes, and I was here for it. The plot is nothing new – hotel CEO’s son falls in love with hotel employee and slowly his icy heart is melted LOL. But I don’t know, the sheer chemistry of the main couple alone won over the mass of Netflix audiences across the world!!

The main pro of this drama was definitely Lee Junho as Gu Won, and Im Yoona as Cheong Sa-rang. Every second generation kpop fan from the 2000’s rejoiced at this pairing, and so did I. Honestly I was never even a huge fan of SNSD or 2PM, BUT I NOW PROUDLY DECLARE MYSELF A FAN OF LEE JUNHO AS AN ACTOR. Gu Won is basically your standard rich CEO’s son – handsome, intelligent, great at business, and has some form of childhood trauma that has made him prickly towards others. Cheong Sa-rang is your typical lovable female lead that is charming but humble, relatable but also gorgeous and super competent at her job.

Lee Junho as Gu Won really captured my eyes the whole drama. I have never seen him in his other works (although I am definitely going through a phase of familiarizing myself now LOL), and it’s not like his acting was otherworldly, and his role wasn’t a particularly difficult one. But I am always impressed when idols break into the acting sphere and are able to achieve in more than one area of entertainment.

Sidenote: I am currently watching The Red Sleeve, and now I realize I probably should have started with that and then used King the Land to recover emotionally…OH WELL. I’ve heard many people say that The Red Sleeve is Lee Junho’s masterpiece, and that King the Land is more of a gift to his fans, haha. Stay tuned for that review, potentially coming soon LOL.

Junho did a really good job of portraying the gradual transformation of his character from someone who was bitter and uncaring, into someone who could warmly and genuinely smile each day. I also really like how his work ethic improved drastically as he started to care about his hotel employees, and that was what motivated him to work hard and be successful, and turn his father’s hotel business into something that would be great for their guests and their workers.

Cheong Sa-rang as a character was perhaps a bit more one dimensional. She is portrayed very well by Yoona, but there wasn’t much in the way of development or growth, other than [SPOILER] her decisions about her career that she made near the end of the drama. She is characterized as a hard-working and very optimistic smiley person, and that is pretty constant throughout the story. However, she and Junho just had so much chemistry as he tumbled head-over-heels into the abyss that is love, that I felt like it almost didn’t matter that she stayed the same. THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER WITH PURE AWE. That alone carried the whole drama, eff the plot, eff the dialogue, eff the side characters LOL.

I did really enjoy a lot of the supporting characters though. I loved the friendship between Cheong Sa-rang and her bffs Oh Pyung-hwa and Kang Da-eul. They were so hilarious and supportive of each other, through thick and thin, celebrating their victories together and problem-solving through any issues like a true sisterhood. Gu Won’s secretary Noh Sang-sik was also a huge source of humour throughout the drama. He was just so silly and dramatic, but he was also the one that connected the whole gang into one big happy family.

And I will say that despite all the classic Korean drama troupes that were employed, there were a few that THANKFULLY did not make an appearance. For one, the “idiotic hero” thing, where the girl/guy feels like they “have to” break up to save the other person/due to pressure from the family. Thank goodness both of them were devoted to each other the entire time and didn’t allow any external pressures get in the way, be it from family, the paparazzi, or random other obstacle. I’m also so glad there was never any huge misunderstandings between the main couple and other potential suitors, etc. Like anytime there was some “issue” they just met together and talked it out honestly and openly. There was NO DRAMA, just green flags and immaculate communication. I’ve heard some criticisms of the drama that it was kind of “not that exciting” because there were never any huge relationship-testing ordeals that the couple had to overcome, but honestly, the vast majority of such “ordeals” would be easily solved in real life with a quick conversation between the two people. And sometimes we just don’t need more stress and heartache in our lives. Sometimes we just need an adorable, warm and fuzzy drama to giggle along with and get swept up in the happy emotions of the characters.

So with all that being said, watch this drama if you want to turn off your brain and just smile. Like the King Hotel, that strived to make every guest’s experience a happy, care-free, and memorable one, King the Land was a joyful light watching experience that made a lasting impression on my heart.

“Business Proposal” – Korean Drama Review 30

Yes I am back, after a long break due to not being that intrigued by any Korean dramas that were on the docket. So that in and of itself should give an indication of how much I enjoyed Business Proposal!

9/10 – Sometimes you just need a hilarious light-hearted comedy, adorable and whacky romance, and sweet and sincere #friendshipgoals. This story hit all these notes quite perfectly, and basically had me in a grin with “heart-eyes” throughout. No toxicity, no hair-pulling drama, no heart-break. Just good vibes, y’all. And extremely delicious-looking food.


The plot follows a hard-working and bubbly cog in the corporate wheel of Korea’s packaged food and restaurant industry, Shin Ha-ri. She is a commercial food researcher (which, side-note, it makes total sense that such a career exists, but I just never thought about it?? But yeah, I guess people need to develop recipes and formulas that taste good and are also profitable lol), and basically loves her job. Her best friend in the world is the daughter of a big conglomerate, the Marine Group, Jin Young-seo, who I also loved sooo much (more on that later). Young-seo convinces Ha-ri to be her stand-in for a blind date, where she is tasked with being a crazy and “undesirable” as possible to scare away unwanted suitors. But as it is with Korean dramas, you guessed it. Her boss, the president and heir of her company, is the blind date. LOLOL.

A lot of what made this show stand out had to do with a well-written story combined with likable characters. The story itself was nothing I hadn’t seen before. There’s a male lead who’s a chaebol, rich, somewhat arrogant, successful, and good at everything. There’s a down-to-earth female lead who is sweetly innocent and finds herself somehow entangled with the male lead. We go into the drama pretty knowing how it will end. But the journey was so enjoyable because I loved the characters so much!

Shin Ha-ri was definitely my highlight in this drama, which is really rare because I tend to find the male lead much more interesting (and also more swoon-worthy lol). She really won the audience over just as she won over our male lead. Kim Se-jeong was honestly cast perfectly!! Her smiley bright-eyed demeanor fit the character flawlessly. Ha-ri was just so tenacious and sincere, and genuine! Yes she was sweet, clumsy, and quirky, as our female leads often are, but I think what made her stand apart was that her responses to the crazy and dramatic events of the story were always so…realistic? She was definitely dramatic (in the most hilarious and heartfelt way), but the type of drama she brought to the story was never unnecessary or negative, and never created animosity between characters. Another thing I really enjoyed about Shin Ha-ri was that even though she was portrayed as a lowly office worker from a humble background, she had healthy amounts of self-confidence balanced with realistic insecurities. She was proud of her work and contributions to her company, she knew her worth, and she was bold enough to stand up for herself when needed. She had hints of the quintessential “damsel in distress” qualities, but she was never pushed around or became a doormat for others to stomp on. She exhibited a lot of meekness, which is different from weakness. She often CHOSE not to retaliate, or take vengeance, not because she couldn’t, or felt that she didn’t deserve justice, but rather because she just was not vindictive and was able to forgive and move on like the unproblematic queen she is.

Now let’s talk about our king, the president of Go Food corporation, the tall, immaculate, borderline perfect Kang Tae-moo. I grew to love his character more and more as the series progressed. While he was portrayed as being cocky and somewhat spoiled, the show did a really good job of having those characteristics simply complement his stronger traits, so that he never comes off as being snooty and unlikable. Ahn Hyo-seop gave an amazing performance that I’m sure captured the hearts of many, heh heh. He’s one of those actors I’ve never given a second thought to, but the more I watched this drama, the more I grew to appreciate his looks and level of acting. First and foremost, Kang Tae-moo is portrayed as being incredibly hard-working, task-oriented, focused, and passionate about food and bringing high-quality products to the consumer. He’s not a playboy, he doesn’t abuse his position or power, and he seems fair and responsible. Because he works so hard and is so smart, he succeeds, and as a result, is somewhat arrogant and confident. But he’s not overly-confident, if you know what I mean. Like, the man has many reasons to flex, can we really blame him? His pure focus on his work is actually what sets the story into full motion, because he decides that instead of going on the countless blind dates his grandfather sets up, he will just marry the first girl he meets, to save time and energy. And lo and behold, who could that be I wonder, lol.

The drama progresses fairly typically in the style of Korean rom-com “fake relationship turns into real relationship when both parties catches feelings”, and I loved it, lol. Like I said, nothing super unique or surprising, but the characters were just so darn cute and lovable!! I adored Tae-moo’s earnest pursuit of Ha-ri. It seemed so uncharacteristic of him, because he is shown to be a very pragmatic workaholic, but then you realize it actually fits his character perfectly. Whatever he wants to achieve in life, that goal becomes his focus and fixation, and he works his ass off with full commitment, with almost the eagerness of a child. It was honestly ridiculously wholesome, I was uwu-ing so much lol. When that man smiles at Ha-ri with such joy and appreciation, I melt. And omg the humour. Ha-ri is so whacky and Tae-moo is more stoic, but because he loves her so much, he is willing to give up his dignity, endure a lot of unceremonious second-hand embarrassment, and deal with the stresses of hiding a workplace relationship all for the sake of winning Ha-ri over. And it’s amazing, lol. I don’t know what it is about watching a very polished respectable man be put into derpy situations, but it’s just too funny to me, ahha.

I also was really relieved that there was no “guy/girl decides to be a heroic idiot and initiate a break-up for the other person’s ‘good'” troupe. I know sometimes it works, but honestly, a lot of times it feels contrived, or just there to increase the feels and drama. There was none of that here. Once the main couple was official, they committed. Family disapproval, workplace hardships, rumours, personal insecurities, they all reared their ugly heads, but none of them could make Ha-ri or Tae-moo give up on each other, which was great to see. Never once was a break-up on the table for them, and I was there for it.

I also loved the strong female-female bond between Ha-ri and her bestie, Jin Young-seo, and thank God it was not tainted by “liking the same guy” or some other kind of catty competition or misunderstanding. They stood by each other unwaveringly, were so funny together, and were total FRIENDSHIP GOALS.

Ultimately, the story itself was light-hearted and charming, if a bit predictable and having a decent number of troupes. But the characters were super lovable and charismatic, and it really strengthened the experience for me. My only regret is that I watched this before I started Twenty-five Twenty-one…THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN THE PERFECT REMEDY FOR THE PAIN.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and happy watching!!

Squid Game – Korean Drama Review 29

9/10: Yes, I boarded the hype train. And YES, I finally boarded it on time, when internet memes and discussion abound! I don’t think I’ve been this early to anything since “Goblin: The Great and Lonely God”, lmao. This 9 episode series was about 8.5 hours of gore-y social commentary that truly psychologically tormented me lol. In the best way possible. I can say with reasonable confidence that Squid Game lives up to the hype!!


Disclaimer: I really don’t know how to talk about my thoughts about this drama without also going through some of the major plot points, so I know this is going to be super long and probably disorganized. My apologies!!

Squid Game follows the story of Seong Gi-hun, a man who has fallen on hard times and has become almost your quintessential “dead beat” – divorced, bad father that can’t do right by his daughter, financially ruined, in a ton of debt to creditors and loan sharks, and hedging his bets on horse races with whatever cash he has left. One day, he is approached by a mysterious man who asks him if he will play a game for money. I LOVED Gong Yoo’s cameo. His lovable and familiar face was now symbolic of the sinister turn that this show would take. Unable to refuse gambling some slaps in the face for a chance to win money, the pair play ddakji, a very popular children’s game, and after getting slapped around and then finally winning one round, Gi-hun is invited to participate in a 6-game competition for the chance to win a LOT more money. Of course, the audience can anticipate that the stakes will be much higher than simply getting slapped in the face. He accepts the invitation, and is basically “squid-napped” in the dead of night, waking up to find himself in a freaky death camp-looking place. All the players are wearing green numbered tracksuits, from 001 to Gi-hun, who is number 456. Essentially, their names and identities have been stripped, which is a huge red flag. He’s in a room full of people who like him, have nothing to lose, and are desperate to win. It is quite clear that no one knows what the fudge is going on, but they all follow the instructions given by guards who are wearing red body suits and fencing masks with a circle, triangle, or square, harkening back to “the squid game”, a childhood game that was introduced at the beginning of the show. And above them all, there is another mysterious masked man who wears all black, and is referred to as the “front man”. All the players sign a contract that has only three clauses: 1. no player is allowed to stop playing; 2. any player who refuses to play will be eliminated; and 3. the games can be terminated if the majority agrees to end it.

It is very quickly established by the first game, “red light, green light”, that when the rules say players “will be eliminated”, it means YOU GET SHOT. Every game is a dark twisted iteration of a popular kids’ game, making the whole thing even more disturbing. The “light-hearted” games are juxtaposed with all the death and terror experienced by the players. After the first game, more than half of the participants were killed, and the remaining players took a vote to end the games. Before the voting begins, the prize money amount is revealed, being a staggering 45.6 billion won total (around 39 million USD), with each player being worth 100 million won (around 84,000 USD)…these people are convinced that they are literally worth more dead than alive. The thought of winning such an amount actually convinces many players to want to keep playing. The final deciding vote is cast by player 001, an extremely old man who told Gi-hun that he was dying of a brain tumour. Gi-hun chooses to end the game, making that the majority rule, and everyone is thrust back into their old lives. Interestingly, this second episode was called “hell”. As brutal and horrifying the Squid Games were, the struggle of existence for those in financial need is basically a slower, more arduous hell on earth. One of the characters aptly stated that in the real world, he doesn’t stand a chance, but within the games, maybe he could even win. By the end of episode 2, everyone voluntarily chooses to return to the Squid Games, now knowing the stakes. They decide to hedge their bets, to win big, or die trying. This really highlights what I believe is the biggest tragedy of the show. Pride tells these people that they could win, and shame tells them that this is all they are worth. That the best they can do is to go down into a pit to fight and claw at each other and willingly give up their humanity to survive.

By this time, the audience gets to know a few of the other characters that Gi-hun starts to befriend. There is a North Korean defector named Kang Sae-byeok (no. 067), who is a clever but cold young woman who needs the prize money to regain custody of her younger brother and sponsor her mother out of North Korea. She is strong, resourceful, and definitely one of my favourite characters. Then there is Cho Sang-woo (no. 218), who was actually on of Gi-hun’s best childhood friends. He was successful early in life, graduating from Seoul National University with a business degree, but ended up committing a lot of financial crimes and losing everything. In the beginning he seemed to be a trustworthy and smart ally, but slowly we see how calculating and unscrupulous he can be. He isn’t entirely evil, but desperation and selfishness bring out the worst in him, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to win. It makes sense, because even before the Squid Games, he took advantage of people for personal gain through fraud and embezzlement. Then there is Ali Abdul (no.199), a very gentle and kind man from Pakistan who was cheated of his wages by a corrupt employer. Ali was such a cinnamon roll!! He was so innocent and trusting and selfless, and saved other players and teammates multiple times throughout the games. Finally there is Oh Il-nam (no. 001), the old man Gi-hun becomes familiar with early on. He seems to be slowly degenerating mentally, but his wisdom and experience, and seemingly lack of fear of death, are his greatest assets.

A very intriguing side-plot that is explored throughout the series follows a police detective named Hwang Jun-ho, who begins to suspect that his older brother may have been kidnapped into the squid games as well, after hearing Gi-hun’s frantic account trying to file a police report after being released. Jun-ho tails Gi-hun when he is taken by the masked red men again, and he manages to infiltrate into the facility by killing one of the workers and putting on the suit and mask. Jun-ho discovers that his brother had indeed been drafted into the squid games, and that he had actually won in 2015! But where was he now? It is also made known that turns out anonymous “VIPs” were the ones behind it all. These atrociously wealthy individuals were watching the squid games and betting on players!!! It is 100% a more elaborate and sadly, more realistic version of the hunger games. But in this case, the players are completely unaware that they are being treated like animals. Just as Gi-hun bet on race horses for fun and entertainment, these high class folks abused the poor and disadvantaged for their own amusement. Before Jun-ho could blow the lid off everything and have it shut down, however, he is discovered, and chased down by the front man, a differently masked person who seemed to be the head manager of the games. And it is there we find out…the front man is Jun-ho’s older brother!!! WTF. So many questions. Jun-ho unfortunately is shot by his brother, and falls off a cliff into the ocean below. The audience is left wondering whether he is dead or alive. He “died” off-screen, and the law of Korean dramas dictates that until a body is seen, ANYONE COULD STILL BE ALIVE. So I’m holding out hope that if there is a season 2, that he will return…he was honestly such a boss character. Busting into this effing crazy situation with no prior knowledge, and getting as far as he did. Amazing, I stan.

The second game is also another one any Korean would find familiar. It involves cutting a shape out of a flat piece of dalgona honeycomb – either a triangle, star, circle, or umbrella. No one knows what shape they’ll get (except one man, who turns out to be a doctor that is forced into a black market organ selling sub-plot LOL), so whoever gets stuck with the hardest shape, the umbrella, most likely will fail the game and be immediately executed. Sang-woo’s greed and instinct for self-preservation starts to harden his heart. Prior to the game, he had a hunch as to what the task would be based on Sae-byeok telling him she smelled the workers melting sugar. He also observed that the doctor character seemed to have insider information, since he rushes to the triangle right away, so he follows him and chooses the triangle shape as well. Sang-woo does not to share his knowledge with any other player, not even his friend. In fact, he goes so far as to tell everyone to split up, because then there’s less likelihood they will be facing the same problem, and therefore won’t be able to help each other. He essentially wants to get others eliminated to increase his own odds of winning. The guy is cold-blooded as hell I tell you. And just Gi-hun’s luck, he unfortunately chooses the umbrella, but manages to win the game with just seconds remaining, by licking the back of the dalgona to dissolve the sugar and make cutting out the shape easier. All the games involve a sickening amount of psychological manipulation, and the stress and anxiety of the time-sensitive situation made most of the players fixate on using a needle to cut out the shapes, because it was provided to them. However, there was no rule stated that they could ONLY use the needle. So Gi-hun using his saliva was actually a very clever tactic.

Not surprisingly at this point, a lot of characters have become the worst versions of themselves in the games. It was truly sad and horrifying to see some people so willing and almost delighted to kill and stomp on others in their desperation to escape death and win. After the second game, lunch is served, but the players are purposefully fed less food to create dissention and increase desperation. Some thugs realize that the more people they could get rid of, the higher their chances would be of winning during each game. This encourages a fight to break out during bedtime, which was actually what the game coordinators wanted all along, in order to weed out the weaker players. With no rules or control, the players fall into complete chaos, people killing each other left and right behind a strobe-lit background. Ultimately, the Squid Games did not create monsters, it only revealed what every human can choose to be capable of, if the conditions are right. When a person loses control, self-respect, and feels utterly cornered, he or she may embrace their darkest animalistic instincts to survive.

The third game was tug-o-war. The remaining 80 players are told to form teams of ten, and play deadly tug-of-war on very high platforms, with the losing team falling over the edge and plunging to their deaths. One of the main forms of torture of this show was that the players are not given any information about the games until they get into the playing room. They are told to pick teams, but based on what? They don’t know! Gi-hun and Sang-woo end up on a team with mostly outcasts; the old man player 001, as well as several women including Sae-byeok and another young girl named Ji-yeong. This puts them at a strong disadvantage for tug-o-war, but thankfully 001 seemed to have a lot of experience and knowledge of many of theses childhood games, and his strategies, along with the help of a cheap shot move by Sang-woo (he told the team to take three steps forward so that the other team loses their balance and falls), enables their team to win. Is anyone surprised that Sang-woo once again uses some under-handed means to win? But not gonna lie though, those strategies were all s-tier, and I will definitely use them too if I ever get caught up in a tug-o-war game to the death.

The fourth game was marbles. The remaining players were told to pick a partner to play with. However, unbeknownst to them, the partners will actually be competing against one another. They are instructed to play any marble game they want to gain marbles from each other, and whoever ends up with all of the other player’s marbles wins. of course, whoever loses all their marbles, loses their lives as well. This game was definitely the most heart-wrenching for me. The friendships and teams that had been established through the first three games, were now torn apart very cruelly as the players were forced to pick a winner and loser between them. Gi-hun and Il-nam spent a majority of the game time wandering the playground, which was set-up to look like an old hometown neighbourhood. Il-nam appeared to be losing more than just his physical marbles, the man seemed to be hallucinating about the days of his youth, much to Gi-hun’s frustration. Out of desperation, Gi-hun takes advantage of Il-nam’s confused state and cheats at the game to win all the marbles except one. Il-nam reveals that he was actually aware of Gi-hun’s cheating. Gi-hun is ashamed as Il-nam continues to call him “gganbu” (meaning ride or die friend), and gives him his final marble, allowing Gi-hun to win and move on to the next round. Sang-woo and Ali had chosen each other to be partners, but after Ali wins the marbles fair and square, Sang-woo convinces him that there was a way they could both win. Ali trusts him, but Sang-woo ends up stealing all the marbles and claiming victory. In his final moments, Ali realizes that he had been betrayed, and the look of utter defeat and sadness and disappointment was truly heart-breaking. To the very end, Ali was not angry or vindictive. HE WAS SUCH AN MVP I CAN’T EVEN. I definitely cried a bit when he died. Sae-byeok partnered up with another young woman named Ji-yeong, who had gone to prison for killing her abusive father. The two had slowly developed a mutual understanding throughout the games and had grown to trust and rely on each other. Faced with the reality of one of them having to die, Ji-yeong suggests they just talk for a while, and then play one decisive round when time is almost up. They share a very touching conversation about their pasts and future goals. When it’s time to play, Ji-yeong loses on purpose, wanting Sae-byeok to win. Enraged, Sae-byeok tries to convince Ji-yeong to stop messing around a play for real, but Ji-yeong simply states that she realized she didn’t know what she would even do with the money if she won, nothing came to mind at all. Ji-yeong makes Sae-byeok promise to live her life to the fullest, and thanks her for playing with her. Sae-byeok is completely wrecked and broken as she stumbles out of the play area, unable to look back as Ji-yeong gets shot behind her.

The fifth game is a horrifying game of hopscotch, taking place on a high platform that forces the players to jump onto panes of glass. Some are made of normal glass that cannot hold the weight of even one person, and some of made of tempered glass, that can hold the weight of two people. Before they know the game, the players choose the order in which they will play, and then one by one, they try to jump their way from one side of the platform to the other. Obviously the majority of the players fall to their deaths. The psychological torture of choosing a number, as well as the game itself, really made this episode one of the most painful for me. Players would push each other, or refuse to move until others agreed to move in front, etc. It was simply brutal to watch. The most shocking moment though, was when Sang-woo pushes one of the players in front him to get to the final safe pane. It is very apparent that Sang-woo has almost entirely lost his humanity, feeling justified to do whatever he needs to do in order to win. Only Gi-hun, Sang-woo, and Sae-byeok survive this round, but Sae-byeok is critically wounded by a ricocheting glass shard. She makes them promise each other that whoever survives must take care of the other person’s loved ones. This scene was so infuriating and tragic. My girl got sidelined by a piece of glass??? Sae-byeok was such a strong player and character, and it was great to see her development from a cold and closed off person, into someone who learned to trust others. She and Gi-hun truly bonded, and helped keep each other centred. Gi-hun actually considered killing Sang-woo after he realized how unhinged and bloodthirsty he had become, but Sae-byeok stopped him, reminding him that this kind of person was not who he was. When Gi-hun leaves her side for only a few seconds to call for medical help, she ends up being killed by Sang-woo, stabbed in the neck by a steak knife. The final deterioration of Sang-woo’s morality was highlighted by the horrible tragedy of Sae-byeok’s death, and shows the fundamental differences between Gi-hun and Sang-woo.

The sixth and final game was the infamous squid game. I’m still not entirely sure of all the rules, but it seemed like a combination of tag, four corners, and just tussling lol. Gi-hun and Sang-woo literally engage in a fight to the death, with Gi-hun finally coming out victorious. Once Gi-hun crosses the finish line, Sang-woo will be killed and he will get the prize money. However, at the last second, Gi-hun decides that there is way they can both survive: if the two of them both agree to terminate the games, then clause three would come into affect and they could be free. Ultimately, Gi-hun’s desire to maintain his humanity, and to save his friend’s life, was more important to him than the prize money, even though he was literally so close. Sang-woo realizes what a monster he had become, and after apologizing to Gi-hun, he stabs himself in the neck, rejecting Gi-hun’s pleas for them to both let go of this terrible dream. For Sang-woo, he already had his heart set on “go big or go home”, and the thought of living through this with “nothing” to show for it, was worse than death. Indeed, in episode two when they were all returned to their normal lives, Sang-woo actually was in the middle of committing suicide before he was given a second chance at the squid games.

Gi-hun is the winner of the Squid games, but he is literally scarred for life. He is dumped back into the city with a debit card that gives him access to his prize money, about 47 billion won. He returns home to discover that his mother passed away while he was gone, alone and probably sad and desperate for her son. Gi-hun was fighting to the death for money for his family, but he ended up losing the few people who were precious to him. One year later, we fine Gi-hun living exactly like he had before. He hasn’t touched the prize money at all. He is depressed, empty, and a shell of a person. Until he gets a card that looks suspiciously like the Squid game business card he was given in the beginning. On the back of the card is a time, date and address, and is signed, “your gganbu”. And then we are presented with the biggest plot twist of the series…THE OLD MAN, PLAYER 001, WAS THE MASTERMIND BEHIND THE SQUID GAMES ALL ALONG. Gi-hun, like the audience, is at a complete loss for words. No cap I was literally shrieking. In hindsight and upon re-watching, we can see that there were multiple clues that pointed to Il-nam being the head of this circus. One subtle clue was that during the “red light, green light” game, he was the only player who wasn’t scanned for movement, because he was never at risk of being shot. He also moved forward very confidently, with no fear at all. During the dalgona sugar candy cut-out game, he chose the star shape, which has short straight lines and is arguably easier to cut out than some of the other shapes. During the tug-of-war game, his strategies and wisdom was what enabled his team to beat the odds and win against tougher and stronger individuals. And finally, he was supposedly killed during the marble game against Gi-hun, but the audience never sees him get shot, nor do we see his body afterwards. Also, although it appeared that he was losing his mind and awareness during that game, which allowed Gi-hun to trick him into losing marbles, he voluntarily gave his last marble to Gi-hun, saying “you win”, showing that he was in control, and also foreshadowing that Gi-hun would actually go on to win the entire game. It also makes sense that Il-nam would dip out before the glass pane hopscotch game, because that game is a lot less predictable, with people pushing each other, or getting frantic and potentially endangering him. Throughout the games, it was clear that Il-nam was super familiar with all these nostalgic childhood games, and after it is revealed that it was actually his playground, it totally makes sense that he would model the squid games after his own experiences and good memories. His player number, 001, also hints at the fact that he’s “number 1”, in control and just there for the shits and giggles. In episode 2, when Il-nam casts the deciding vote that allows everyone to go home, even that it is done intentionally. It’s not fun to play with reluctant people. He wanted everyone to voluntarily decide to return and play with him. It’s actually sick, lol. Anyways, despite all these clues, I WAS STILL NOT PREPARED FOR THIS REVEAL.

Utterly flabbergasted, Gi-hun demands an explanation. Oh Il-nam wasn’t lying when he told Gi-hun that he had a brain tumour, because the man is clearly on his death bed during this meeting. With his dying breaths, Il-nam explains that one thing that poor people and rich people have in common, is that life is boring. And so, after he had become unbelievably wealthy, he and his small group of elites (the VIPs) created the squid games as way to entertain themselves. He also reveals that the reason he decided to participate himself this time, was simply because it would be more fun, that playing the games would allow him to “feel something again”, more so than merely spectating. Il-nam’s philosophy is that all humans are completely evil and depraved, and so there is nothing wrong with treating them like animals and using their suffering for his own enjoyment. This final encounter with Il-nam is what finally shakes Gi-hun into action. He realizes that he can actually help people and change their lives with his wealth, rather than doing nothing, or entering back into the cycle of depravity. He rescues Sae-byeok’s younger brother from the orphanage, and puts him under the care of Sang-woo’s mother. He also gifts them with a suitcase of straight cash, leaving a note saying it is the money he owed Sang-woo.

One significant thing Gi-hun chooses to do is to dye his hair a bright red. Throughout the show, the green tracksuits of players signifies submission, being enslaved, being a cog in the wheel of this immoral machine called life. Red, on the other hand, was what all the workers and guards were wearing, and signifies authority and power. Gi-hun’s decision to dye his hair red could be a way to show that he is now in the power seat, and that he wants to call the shots from now on. But unlike the red suited masked men in the squid games, Gi-hun chooses not to abandon the weak, but instead he will fight for them. This is made very clear when he encounters the mysterious “train man” from episode one (aka Gong Yoo WOOOOO) playing ddakji with a random guy in the subway again, when he was on his way to the airport to visit his daughter in America. The two men make eye contact, and Gong Yoo slowly smiles in a very innocent but sinister way. Gi-hun is unable to catch him, but does manage to take the squid game business card away from the poor unsuspecting fool that Gong Yoo was bullying, lol. Gi-hun calls the number on the back of the card, and is greeted once again with a voice asking him if he would like to participate in a game. Gi-hun demands to know who the person on the other side is, and that the games be stopped. It is the front man who responds, telling him to just get on the plane, that this would be better for everyone. In the final scene, Gi-hun hangs up, and turns away from boarding the plane, and with a look of determination and resolve, begins to walk back.

WHAT A WILD RIDE. This is the first drama review where I really felt like I had to give a full summary of the story so that my thoughts and commentaries could be digested with more context. I’ve seen so many theories circulating about Squid Game, and it’s just been so fun reading all of them and having my mind blown again. This is definitely not a drama for the faint of heart of weak of stomach, but it was such a deep and rewarding journey. It made me reflect on the human condition, and how desperately flawed we all are. I would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a more thriller/horror genre of Korean drama! Thanks for reading, and happy watching!!

Mr. Queen – Korean Drama Review 26

9/10 – A hilarious (borderline) parody of the quintessential Joseon era drama, Mr. Queen was a really clever and whimsical comedy that had a surprising amount of both heartfelt and intense moments! I really loved it a lot!


Definitely the highlight of this drama for me was Shin Hye-sun, the gem of an actress who portrays a man from 2020 who ends up in the body of the queen in the Joseon era. LMAO. So essentially she’s a woman who has to pretend to be a man who is trapped in a woman’s body. She did a flawless job!! The nuances of her performance when she’s playing man-possessed queen vs. actual queen was honestly award-worthy. I have always heard of Shin Hye-sun being a legendary actor, and now I know why. I actually have seen her in one other drama, “Hymn of Death” – but I didn’t even realize it was the same person!! A sign of a truly good actor tbh. Someone who can disappear completely into character. Anyways, after Mr. Queen, I am a fan!!


The story follows Jang Bong-hwan, a cocky playboy and head chef of South Korea’s Blue House, who after a hilarious accident, finds that his soul has taken over the body of Kim So-yang, the queen from about 200 years ago. As Bong-hwan navigates this extremely bizarre and inconvenient situation, he quickly gets wrapped up in palace corruption and politics, as well as the queen’s complicated relationships and past life. Shin Hye-sun did such a good job of acting like a man from the modern era, everything from his speech, facial expressions, mannerisms. The best source of humour in the entire show came from the “queen” acting completely counter-culture and unrefined, lifting “her” skirts, running around the palace, using modern-day slang, and overall fully embodying the coarse spunkiness of a spoiled rich man, lol. The most noteworthy testament to her acting abilities was when there were scenes involving the actual, non-possessed queen. It was honestly amazing how she changed so subtly but so completely that you instantly knew that this queen was different. Her voice, demeanor, posture, everything. It was awe-inspiring to watch.

Currently Watching: Mr. Queen - MyDramaList

And of course, with every asian drama, there has to be a male lead. And in this case, it’s King Cheoljong, the 25th emperor of Joseon, played marvelously by Kim Jung-hyun (flashbacks to his epic presence in “Crash Landing on You” uwu). Hands down the best relationship ever!! Never mind the obvious elephant in the room (aka, the fact that only one of them knows that both individuals in this relationship are technically male LOL), the development of the king and “queen”‘s relationship was so well-done. As much as there was humour and confusion, there was a lot of political and personal tension surrounding the couple. The queen’s family, and indirectly the queen herself, are aligned against Cheoljong, who was simply placed in power as a puppet king so that the Kim family could retain control of the throne. We see a lot of deep-seated resentment and prejudices, but over the course of the drama, we see the king and queen transition from misunderstanding each other as enemies, to being forced onto the same side in the fight against corruption, to becoming friends with common goals, and ultimately, growing to genuinely love and care for one another. The way the drama slowly merged Jang Bong-hwan and Kim So-yang’s consciousness was deliberate and quite seamless as far as I’m concerned, and I loved that Bong-hwan and So-yang became inseparable by the end. It was almost as if they were working together, playing on each other’s strengths and creating one person who was both brazen and clever, but also heartfelt and loving. Kim Jung-hyun did an incredible job keeping up with Shin Hye-sun’s powerhouse acting. His delivery was always so on point. Whether it was being a strong and passionate voice for the people of Joseon, or as the utterly clueless husband to a queen who was acting suspiciously like a 21st century man, haha. I was completely sold on their relationship, not just the romantic one, but the real friendship that developed as well (granted, the king didn’t know about it, lol).

A lot of the supporting cast have a special place in my heart as well. Court lady Choi and the queen’s personal maid Hong Yeon, were honestly the best hahaa. They were so loving and supportive of Kim So-yang, always worrying about her and running after her and getting her out of trouble. They were such loyal subjects, and it was so heart-warming to see the three of them become inseparable friends.

Currently Watching: Mr. Queen - MyDramaList

Considering the ridiculous premise and amazing comedy, I was surprised but impressed with the amount of serious exploration of how power can corrupt, and also how many touching and heart-wrenching moments there were. It really speaks to how good the acting was, and how well the main and support characters were developed. I truly cared about so many of them, and so when they succeeded I cheered, and when they suffered, I cried. Yes, I cried a couple times while watching this, which I wasn’t expecting. The drama got pretty heavy as well, and the stakes felt very real. The king and queen were fighting against a deeply corrupt monarchy system that exploited the poor, and as with most period dramas, there was quite a lot of palace politics, under-handed dealings, assassinations, etc. Perhaps my one critique of the show as a whole was that sometimes the transitions between the heavy stuff and the light-hearted stuff was a bit jarring. And that overall I just cared a lot more about the relationships and the great conundrum about how Jang Bong-hwan would get back to his time, so sometimes the political stuff felt slower. But it was still all relevant to the story, and didn’t really impact the pacing too much.

Another highlight of the show for me was how they used Jang Bong-hwan’s cooking skills as a strong asset that helped him survive his Joseon adventures. It was so entertaining to see the queen slaying it in the kitchen and re-creating Michelin-star-level dishes that amazed and inspired the royal courts. I thought the directing and cinematography of those scenes were super well-done and emphasized the humour of the situation and the artistic craft of cooking.

It was truly a privilege to follow the journey of Jang Bong-hwan and Kim So-yang. After sharing such a life-defying adventure together (all the while also sharing a body, LOL), they both leave their mark on the other and change each other for the better. I loved every minute of the ride!

One final thing I just wanted to touch on, that isn’t about the actual drama, but about some backlash that Shin Hye-sun has received by Korean netizens about her role. I personally think it is entirely unwarranted and quite frankly, ridiculous, but essentially there is some online criticism of her portrayal of the queen, saying that it’s disrespectful to Korean culture and history, and that her character’s disregard for these things should not be praised. First of all…this is a work of fiction?? There’s a disclaimer before EVERY episode that says that all the people and historical events are FICTION, and do not represent history accurately. So I mean…I don’t know what else you want the producers and directors to do. If all stories had to be perfectly aligned and respectful of reality, then we would all just be watching documentaries all day?? Those aspects of Shin Hye-sun’s character were primarily for comic relief and laughs, not to be taken as a direct slander of actual history. Second of all…it’s not even Shin Hye-sun’s personal decision or fault! She didn’t write the script. She simply agreed to lend her talents to this difficult role, and did a damn good job pulling it off. People online are mad at her for taking the role, because that somehow makes her complicit in disrespecting history. And that brings me to my final point…WHY IS SHIN HYE-SUN GETTING THE BRUNT OF THE CRITICISM? What about the other actors and people involved in the drama? No one seems to mad at Kim Jung-hyun for agreeing to play the male lead. In my opinion, the criticisms are not only unfounded, but it’s also proof that there is still so much sexism within the Korean entertainment industry, and it makes me so sad. Shin Hye-sun deserves all the awards for this role, and I hate that she’s being targeted by salty netizens who seem to have nothing better to do except be keyboard warriors and stir up shit. Okay, rant over.

Sorry I had to end on a slightly negative note. Please go check out Mr. Queen and give it the love it deserves!! Thanks for reading, and happy watching!

My Love from the Star – Korean Drama Review 25

I know, I know, I’m super late to the party. I think the ultra-hype for this drama was back in 2013!!! But after It’s Okay to not be Okay and Dream High, I was on the hunt for more Kim Soo-hyun, lol. Originally I wasn’t planning on writing any review or reflection on this drama because I’ve been pretty busy lately and was watching this drama quite casually for a long time, sometimes with it playing in the background, an episode here and there during breaks, etc.


This drama is definitely what I would call a light watch, lots of humour, cheesy moments, and a fairly straightforward plot. I didn’t feel there was much in the way of in-depth analysis, or strong points that needed to be emphasized. While I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the Kim Soo-hyun eye candy, hehe, I wasn’t as gung-ho as I’ve been for some other dramas. I liked that Cheon Song-yi wasn’t characterized as this pure, gentle, morally superior female lead. She was so realistic…petty, vain, hypocritical, weak, clingy, and honestly kind of dim-witted at times LOL. The actress Jun Ji-hyun really left her grace and dignity behind to portray an accurate and pretty hilarious character, and I appreciate it a lot! It’s what made the love story between her and Do Min-joon the alien extra cute. In spite of her many flaws, Do Min-joon cared about her and slowly grew attached and actually invested in wanting to stay on earth.

You who came from the star | via Tumblr on We Heart It

I guess the main reason I felt the need to say something about this drama was that I was pleasantly surprised by the ending. Throughout the whole story, the underlying question was “HOW are the main couple going to end up together?”. Notice, the question was not “WILL the main couple end up together?”. Because of the type of story it was, there was no doubt in my mind that somehow, the seemingly insurmountable hurdle facing an alien and a human in love would be resolved. Whether it was Do Min-joon finding a way to become human, or him bending time and space to make it back to her, I was 99% sure it was going to happen. And it did happen. Sort of. Do Min-joon was able to return to earth to be with Cheon Song-yi, but the unexpected part was that he didn’t have control over how long he could stay each time he found his way back. I guess because of some intergalactic phenomenon, he is continually pulled away from earth (something about a wormhole, lol), although each time he can stay longer and longer. At the end of the drama, Do Min-joon disappears from Cheon Song-yi’s side again, and we see her accepting this reality and anticipating his return. She says that because each time he appears again could be his last time, she cherishes each moment with him as something precious. I almost wish they had ended it there, but I guess the writers decided to give the audience a definitive happy ending, so we do see Do Min-joon coming back in the final scene. I’m really impressed they didn’t go with the easy route and give the characters exactly what they wanted without sacrifice. In the end, Do Min-joon was still allergic to human fluids, he still had ties to outer space, and he still will live infinitely longer than Cheon Song-yi. But that doesn’t mean the time they have together won’t be meaningful and full of love. They accepted these realities and decide to be with one another anyways.

Let's Talk About : My Love From The Star

One final note…my favourite relationship in this entire drama was the one between Do Min-joon and Cheon Song-yi’s younger brother, Cheon Yoon-jae. He starts off as this sulky, standoffish teenager whose eyes seemed to be perpetually rolling up in annoyance and disgust at all the stupidity of the adults around him. Honestly, I don’t blame him, the majority of the human adults in his story (minus maybe the good-looking prosecutor heh heh) But after he meets Do Min-joon, he finds a mentor and older brother figure who shares his interest for space, but honestly it was mostly just hilarious. He originally was protective of his sister and wary of any guy trying to court her, but after discovering Do Min-joon’s extensive collection of space photos and telescopes, and realizing how knowledgeable he is about space (understandable, considering he’s from space LOL), Joon-ja is immediately star-struck, pun intended. He looks up to Do Min-joon above anyone else, and basically worships his feet and tells him to forgive all his sister’s flaws, hahahaha. He even fought with Song-yi over him lmao, it was so funny. I think the best part was when Yoon-jae found out Do Min-joon’s alien identity. He’s not phased at all, but instead is just even more excited and in awe, and promises to keep his secret. AND THEN HE TRIES TO DO THE E.T. FINGER TOUCH THING LMAO. That was the highlight of the show, I swear lol.

The Kdrama Fangirls Review Stuffs — “My Love From Another Star” Drama  Review!!

All in all, this was a nice light-hearted fantasy romance, and while it was an older style drama, I can understand why at the time, everyone was squealing about it, and I can DEFINITELY see why Kim Soo-hyun’s popularity skyrocketed (pun intended) after this drama aired. He’s so great, lol.

Thanks for reading, and happy watching!

Start-Up – Korean Drama Review 23

7.9/10 – Let me just say that I did enjoy this drama quite a lot, and the first half was definitely fun and refreshing and heart-felt. The second half exposed some weaknesses and flaws that had been waiting in the wings, and I think it was mainly just a writing issue overall. All the actors gave great performances, and the story, while fairly predictable and nothing extraordinary, was able to create the feels and get a heartfelt, optimistic message across.


The plot blends the world of start-up businesses and the messy and difficult journey of career-building, with a pretty hilarious (but also tragic, in my opinion) romance. Suzy is back with another drama since Vagabond, and her character, Set Dal-mi, is a very earnest, resilient, pure-hearted girl looking to move up in the world of business and start her own company. Her childhood was pretty rough (mom and sister abandoning her and her dad for money, dad dying of a PREVENTABLE CONCUSSION, etc), and one thing that got her through those dark times were special letters from her penpal, Nam Do-san…Except these letters were actually written by a boy named Han Ji-pyeong, who also was going through a terrible childhood – orphaned, no home, no money, ends up being pesudo-raised by Dal-mi’s ANGEL GRANDMOTHER. Dal-mi’s grandma asked him to write letters to Dal-mi to help her feel better, and he obliges. Seems like such a harmless small act of mercy…alas LOL. This is why lying is sin lmaooo. But it’s a drama, so it is what it is haha. When circumstances arise 15 years later that cause Dal-mi to want to find the boy from her letters, Granny and Ji-pyeong have find the real Nam Do-san first so that they can bring him up to speed and keep up the ruse, and honestly it was super entertaining to see these two men slowly falling for Dal-mi for real, but also develop a hilarious bromance/frenemy relationship. One of the strongest aspects of this drama is that the love triangle is not epically skewed towards the “main male lead”. One is the boy from Dal-mi’s past who was originally only invested because he cares for her grandmother; and one is a stranger who realizes he actually does want to be the boy from the letters to see her smile.

One thing I really enjoyed about this drama was that it exuded so much hope. All the characters at one point or another, are faced with daunting odds, whether in their personal lives, or in the highly competitive world of tech start-ups. But you see the resiliency humans, how they are able to keep pushing on and are able to see positivity and opportunity in everything. It really warmed my heart to watch the characters celebrate hard-won victories, and build one another up and work together towards common goals. The Samsan Tech boys, Do-san, Chul-san, and Yong-san, were such a cute trio, three nerdy friends coding away in their dingy apartment, so full of hope and optimism. Dal-mi, a bright energetic girl with enough motivation and passion to keep a smile on her face. There was so much innocence and sincerity in their excitement and work ethic, and I really admired that. And I’ll just say, all the actors did fantastic jobs portraying their characters. Not just line delivery, but the more subtle aspects like facial expressions, body language, etc, I was fully captivated because the characters all came alive through their work!! Kim Seon-ho and Nam Joo-hyuk as Ji-pyeong and Do-san respectively, gave truly flawless performances. which is why I grew to love and appreciate both of them so much more. Suzy has always been a solid actress in my eyes (I don’t understand the haters who have been bashing her since Dream High…), but in this drama she definitely shone as Dal-mi, it was a perfect casting choice in my opinion!

Another strong point of the drama is the love triangle…but what I mean by that is that it was truly excruciating. As in, for the first half, YOU LITERALLY ARE ROOTING FOR BOTH GUYS because they are both so sweet!! Who does one pick?? Soft boy cutie Nam Do-san, or the second male lead, aka good boy Han Ji-pyeong? He’s called a “good boy” by the grandmother throughout the drama because LITERALLY HE IS. Even though he tries so hard to be cold and look out only for himself, he actually has the most integrity of them all, and his character is so consistently GOOD, that it actually becomes problematic for the show. The reason is this: by the end of episode one, the audience has been given 15 years worth of context for Dal-mi and Ji-pyeong, and we see how the back and forth exchange of letters between these two young people brought comfort and solace. And then BAM, the real Nam Do-san, who was just a name Ji-pyeong and Angel grandma borrowed from a newspaper article, comes into the story as the main male lead.

I think the term “double-edged sword” is extremely applicable here. The best parts of the drama were created by a great love triangle and sympathy for THE GOODEST BOY HAN JI-PYEONG, but this also created somewhat of a downfall for the whole show because HIS CHARACTER WAS JUST TOO STRONG. By the conclusion, the story left me crying out that he deserved way better, which isn’t a good thing for a show that wants the audience to be primarily invested in rooting for Dal-mi and Do-san’s relationship. And it’s actually a pity, because on his own, Do-san really is a pretty good character. He is a literal math and computer coding genius, cute and dorky, with very poor social skills and some self-esteem issues. He’s shy and unsure of his dreams, and Dal-mi is the one that introduces him to what it means to be passionate and to have ambition. Throughout the drama, he grows a lot, and if you observe him in isolation, he really does come far in terms of character development. Throughout the first half of the drama, I was super torn about who I liked more. Do-san was just so soft, and it was crushing whenever he was reminded that he wasn’t the man Dal-mi thought he was, and his feelings of being inadequate were so relatable and sad.

THE PROBLEM IS, the story is still relationship driven, and on that front, Ji-pyeong is the clear winner in my eyes. Although Do-san had some very sweet moments with Dal-mi, his character was driven by either recklessness or emotions a lot of the time. He operates with a very idealistic mindset, which made him very soft and sweet for sure, but sometimes it led him to do regrettable and/or downright idiotic things. On the other hand, Ji-pyeong was much more mature, level-headed, and selfless to the point where it was just unfair. If love is sacrifice, then he truly sacrificed the most for those he loved. In the end, he even sacrifices his feelings for Dal-mi and desire for a relationship and concedes to Do-san. Every time he denied that he was a good person, or tried to convince himself and others that he was just a cold businessman who uses harsh words to hurt people, I cried. It was really heart-breaking because I guess as an orphan he had grown to accept that he had be alone, and so in order to make it easier, he felt like he needed to be prickly and push people away before they left voluntarily. He also had so much integrity that he couldn’t bring himself to fight or play dirty, so he put others before himself at his own expense. Definitely one of his biggest charms is that he takes care of the people he loves, BUT IN SECRET. Every funny moment in the show where Ji-pyeong helps Do-san pretend to be the boy from his letters, teaching him how to talk to Dal-mi, letting him use his apartment and borrow his suits so that Do-san can look the part…it was always accompanied by some sadness because Ji-pyeong was hindering his own chances with Dal-mi…and honestly those scenes are all so hilarious, but also hard to watch. The way Ji-pyeong fell in love with Dal-mi is very well-done. You see his motivations slowly change from just wanting to help the grandmother, to wanting to keep Dal-mi’s dream of Do-san alive, to wanting Dal-mi to be successful and happy, to wanting to be the one who is there to protect her. Even when he accepts his feelings and confesses to Dal-mi, he doesn’t make a move or resent her for continuing to choose Do-san…because he is JUST TOO GOOD. He hides his emotions so that Dal-mi won’t feel uncomfortable or pressured, and then just goes into a corner by himself to weep. LIKE WTF THAT’S SO SAD. The show made the audience too sympathetic towards Ji-pyeong, and ultimately that undermined Dal-mi and Do-san’s bond as well. The only thing that made it somewhat better was the relationship between Dal-mi’s grandmother and Ji-pyeong. Those two had such a beautiful family dynamic, and every time they had heartfelt interactions or conversations, I cried about as hard as they were, which was always quite hard. When the grandmother urges Ji-pyeong to visit her a lot and stop accepting loneliness, I was like MY HEARTU…


That being said, I do think the progression of the love triangle, and how the truth behind the letters was revealed, was done really well! It was realistic, not overly drawn out, and just suspenseful enough to keep the audience stressed for a good amount of time haha. The weakest point of this drama was probably the completely unnecessary 3 year time skip. I say unnecessary because literally NOTHING CHANGED, not even people’s hairstyles lol. I think another reason why I didn’t wholly buy Do-san and Dal-mi was because AFTER THREE YEARS OF SEPARATION, they never discussed their true feelings or verbalize clearly how they felt about each other. They said cryptic, poetic metaphors that reflected their feelings, but never once did either of them say, “I love you”, or “forgive me”, or “please take me back”. lol. Even the reason they “got back together” was actually initiated by Dal-mi being forced to hire Do-san to her company. Which is like…what. lol.

ANyWays, lol. Overall this drama was very enjoyable and entertaining. Some of the plot points were a bit contrived, and some of the side character stories had little impact or relevance, but the story was fun, heart-warming, and the ending was about as satisfying as it could be, considering I am on team HJP. I think the last episode wrapped everything up nicely, and it DID allow me to accept Do-san and Dal-mi and shed a single tear for Ji-pyeong, haha. I liked that even to the end, it was Ji-pyeong that verbalized to Dal-mi (and the audience) why Do-san should be accepted. He said something along the lines of “I wrote letters to you for 15 years but didn’t try to find you. Do-san read the letters once and immediately went to you”. That is true for sure, and I loved that Ji-pyeong was mature and honest enough to acknowledge it. Since Ji-pyeong so graciously accepted his place in the drama, I guess so will I LOL. Give this drama a try if you like romantic comedies that also sometimes make you ugly cry xD.

Thanks for reading, and happy watching!

“Twogether” – Korean Variety Show Review

Two charming but clumsy men who don’t speak the same language, bumbling around Asia completing missions so they can meet up with fans and give them the best day ever? I didn’t know I needed this, but after watching all eight episodes, I can confidently say that it was brilliant!! The show’s basic premise is that Seung-gi and Jasper have to travel to different cities and visit places that were recommended to them by specific fans. And then, through completing various “Running Man” style missions, they gather clues about where their fans live, and then they try to find the fan so they can surprise her with a visit!! Sounds like a dream come true, tbh. I really loved the concept of the show. It was promoted as being a travel show, and it definitely was successful at highlighting the many sights and attractions of Thailand, Indonesia, and Nepal. They are truly beautiful and vibrant countries!! But the show was so much more than that, and that’s what set it apart from other travel programs. I thought it was really smart to incorporate “objectives” at each leg of the trip, because then the audience was able to admire and appreciate the culture and attraction, but also be more engaged because of the over-arching goal of the boys wanting to meet their fans. And I thought the fan-meetings at the end of each trip gave the show an extra layer of honesty and warmth. Seung-gi and Jasper worked so hard to be able to make their fans happy!! Because the fans didn’t expect their favourite celebrity to just show up at their door, it was often quite emotional for them, which was super cute. And seeing Seung-gi and Jasper care so much, and be touched by the level of devotion, literally made me cry at one point.


Lee Seung-gi is truly a jack-of-all-trades variety show king!! He is soooo mischievous and fun-loving, which is a hilarious source of comedy throughout the show haha. But you also see how dedicated and caring he is to not only towards his fans, but to everyone around him and to different cultures in general. He was always showing genuine interest in everyone they met throughout their travels – inviting them to introduce themselves and asking questions about their lives and experiences. He was charismatic for sure, but he is so sincere in his extroversion, and he made me smile a lot (I know I’m biased because I also just love him in general, but trust me, it’s also an objective truth).

Jasper Liu, or Liu Yi-how, was not someone I was familiar with prior to watching this show. I knew he was a Taiwanese actor, but that’s about it. I think this show helped me get to understand him a lot more, and he was truly a sweetheart!! He is a rookie in terms of variety shows, so I think that automatically made him more shy compared to Seung-gi. But he was always so willing and enthusiastic in face of all the crazy things the show producers and directors made them do, and as the show went on, he clearly became much more comfortable. I think Seung-gi was such a great complement for him!! Their personalities are actually quite similar, but Jasper might be the more introverted version of Seung-gi hahah. And It was great to see Seung-gi helping Jasper out of his shell, and teaching him how to make variety shows fun to film and fun for audiences (this often involved Seung-gi being a total prankser and taking advantage of Jasper’s innocence looooool rip him). I really loved how laid-back Jasper was. I don’t think everyone can handle the amount of ruthless and chaotic energy Seung-gi emits, but he took it all in stride and was able to laugh at himself and embrace whatever was thrown his way.

Twogether 7

On that same vein, the epic friendship and bromance between Seung-gi and Jasper was one of the highlights for me. They had such good attitudes and positive spirits throughout, and had great chemistry together. They were affectionately referred to by the editing team (the people who put in funny variety show captions, lol) as the “clumsy brothers”, and that is 100% accurate. They were derpy together and pretty incompetent, but I guess that’s what made it so funny hahahaha. One thing that I thought was a very interesting choice on the part of the creators, was casting two celebrities who do not speak the same native language. The challenge of each mission was made more hilarious and difficult simply because of communication barriers, and I loved it. Even though it was slightly awkward in the beginning because they were basically strangers who were forced into a bewildering series of events in foreign countries, I thought it was really endearing and cute how they tried their best to communicate and get closer. They each knew some English, and little bit of each other’s language (Mandarin and Korean), so they got by with a combination of these three languages, plus a lot of shouting and pointing and charades ahaha. I love how good friends they became by the end of the series. In an interview, Jasper said that he and Seung-gi were not given any scripts or forewarning of anything, and cameras were on them at all times to capture every moment in real-time. I’m really glad the show chose not to stage anything or allow the guys to be prepared. As a fan, it was such a pleasure to see their authentic selves and enjoy every experience and surprise along with them.

(Interview source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joanmacdonald/2020/07/01/jasper-liu-shares-fond-memories-of-his-first-reality-show-twogether/#448d27136f74)

Another thing I really loved was how much of a troll the director/producer Cho Hyo-ji was. He was the guy giving them the missions, and you could tell how much joy he got out of watching these two guys suffer and make fools of themselves in order to complete the tasks. It was also really funny seeing Seung-gi and Jasper pleading for leniency, or trying to bargain with him for freebies and money hahahaha. Cho has worked on Running Man, so I guess it makes sense that he’d love making Seung-gi and Jasper jump through hoops haha.

If you love travel (and miss it dearly because covid-19 has ruined everyone’s plans for this year), variety shows, and bromance friendships, then I think you will like this program!! It was a very charming and wholesome experience being able to watch the two clumsy brothers have adventures together! Definitely check it out on Netflix! Thanks for reading, and happy watching 🙂


“Crash Landing on You” – Korean Drama Review 12

8/10: this was a very well-done comedy/love story where I grew to enjoy and appreciate the supporting cast just as much, if not more, than the main power couple!


This was such an adorable drama!! I started watching it because it had an interesting concept, and very quickly I fell in love with the story, the main couple, and the supporting cast! This is one of the few dramas where the side characters were just as, if not more, interesting and hilarious than the main characters! Hyun Bin plays Ri Jeong-hyuk, an upright and noble North Korean military captain, and the lovely Son Ye-jin plays Yoon Se-ri, a feisty, slightly spoiled, but totally badass boss bitch South Korean CEO. Se-ri accidentally crash lands in North Korean (lmao), where she meets Captain Ri and his amazing group of subordinate soldiers. Hyun Bin is *mwah* chef’s kiss in a military uniform, let me tell you, lol.


One thing I appreciated about the romance in this drama was that there were actually high stakes and legit barriers to the main couple being together. It wasn’t like other asian dramas where there’s some stupid misunderstanding that causes a break-up, or the guy being a noble idiot and breaking up for some issue that could easily be resolved without devastating his girl. No, in this drama, the audience is fully aware of the potential ramifications and political upheavals that could occur if a North Korean military captain (who is son of a prominent military director) and a wealthy South Korean CEO try to “make things work” lol. Captain Ri and Se-ri were faced with real obstacles, and I could understand and relate to all the decisions they made, whether it was to protect each other, or their families (we can all imagine what would happen to Captain Ri’s parents if North Korea found out that their son was harbouring and protecting a “South Korean spy”), that made the drama very gripping and intriguing to watch. Also, omg Captain Ri is the sweetest most considerate stoic guy ever lol. Some of the things he does are cringe to the max, but the LADIES LOVE IT.


That being said, I’m very surprised but pleased to say that for once in my life, the main couple was not the star of the show for me. IT WAS THE SUPPORTING CAST, OMG. I really have to spend some time praising the writers and actors for bringing the side characters to life in such endearing and well-developed ways!! The five other soldiers under Captain Ri were all so dynamic, hilarious, and charming in their own ways!! Pyo Chi-soo is a stubborn slightly overly patriotic master sergeant who honestly grows on you so much once he shows that he actually has a soft side. Kim Ju-muk, my personal favourite, is a really cheerful corporal who is obsessed with South Koran asian dramas and therefore knows the most about life down south. He is the source of a lot of perfectly timed humour and sweetness! Geum Eun-dong is a really adorable and naive private who is the oldest in his family and sole breadwinner, but the youngest in this group, making him the younger brother everyone else feels especially protective of. And finally, there is Park Kwang-beom, a staff sergeant who is the strong silent type with kpop level good looks (one really funny moment happens when they are in South Korea, and he gets a lot of business cards from big kpop companies like SM and JYP because he was spotted off the street and “has the right look”. Of course, no one knew what that was all about, lol). There was also an amazing callback to “Memories of the Alhambra”, with Hyun Bin playing video games hahahaha. They even had the theme song playing dramatically! I loved it! Basically, these characters were largely for comedic effect, but their characters were well fleshed out and not over done, so I enjoyed them a lot!! The best humour in this show by far centred around the many misconceptions they had about South Korea, and watching the process of them discovering the many perks of capitalism LOL. THEY WERE SO ADORABLE AND CLUELESS HAAHHAHAHAHA. The beautiful group friendship that grew between Captain Ri and his men and Yoon Se-ri, was also the source of many touching moments. The guys loved and appreciated her spunkiness and kindness, protecting her and treating her as a sister. Similarly, Se-ri saw them as older and younger brothers, and she teased them, cared for them, and worried about them.


One other surprising aspect of this drama was the second male and female leads and the side couple story. At first, I wasn’t very invested in them, and I found the second female lead (Seo Ji-hye as Seo Dan) very unlikeable and arrogant and cold, which is the point, I guess. She was engaged to Captain Ri ten years ago, a classic asian drama troupe, and I just saw her as a shit-stirrer that created unnecessary drama. The second male lead, Gu Seung-joon (played by Kim Jung-hyun) was more interesting, a very charming smooth-talking guy who embezzled money from Se-ri’s second older brother and fled to North Korea. Despite his obvious character flaws and sleaziness, I actually found his character likeable and refreshing because he didn’t take himself or other people too seriously. As the drama progressed, both of these characters grew on me, and when they started getting involved with each other’s problems and helping one another and growing closer, I was really rooting for them. Gu Seong-Ju brought out Seo Dan’s warmth, and she steadied and matured him as a man. Their romance was honestly sooooo cute, and one of the saddest aspects of this show was that they didn’t get their happy ending together. I CRIED.

Finally, I thought it was very tasteful and wise of the writers and producers to portray all the characters fairly. North Korea wasn’t painted to be a wholly terrible place where everyone was either evil and corrupt, or starving and impoverished and stupid. And South Korea wasn’t portrayed as this beacon of excellence with only noble and upstanding people. There were antagonists from the North Korean side for sure, but the evil-doers from South of the border were perhaps even more awful because they were YOON SE-RI’S OWN FAMILY MEMBERS TRYING TO GET RID OF HER FOR THEIR OWN SELFISH AMBITIONS, LOL WTF. That choice of conflict was albeit a bit on the unrealistic side, and this is keeping in mind that the main premise of this drama is already pretty out there…a South Korean women literally crash lands in North Korea haha. But anyways, yes there were some politics involved, and you could definitely see the corruption in North Korea, but I think it was depicted in ways that served to further the plot, rather than just being disparaging, and I appreciated that. There was one scene where the soldiers and Se-ri were at a fried chicken restaurant in Seoul watching a soccer game with random other South Koreans, and seeing them unified in their cheering and excitement almost moved me to tears. Ultimately, I think this drama was made on the hope that one day, re-unification will happen between the two countries, and that families and loved ones will be brought back together once again.



“Master in the House” – Korean Variety Show Review

I love this show SO MUCH. It’s so FUNNY, but also so incredibly wholesome hahaha, it’s addicting, honestly. I came for Lee Seung-gi, but after only the first episode I was in love with the other hosts as well, Yang Se-hyeong, Yuk Seong-jae, and Lee Sang-yun. Their group dynamic and amazingly hilarious friendship is really what makes this show shine!


The basic premise is that these four men meet up with famous/influential/interesting Korean people (usually celebrities, singers, actors, athletes, or someone who made important impacts in their field), the “master”, and they spend two days with this person. They learn about the person’s life, try new things, share meals, and sleepover with him or her. Not only do you get to enjoy the amusing antics of 4 kidults (adults who sometimes act like children, lol), you actually learn a lot about Koran culture and gain many useful life lessons based on these famous Korean people’s lives. The many different values and philosophies bring so much unique character to the show! Along with the funny scenes, there are also so many very touching moments that really humanize the hosts and the guests. One of the things the show does really well is be real – we get to see the behind the scenes of the filming, as well as the genuine emotions and thoughts of the hosts and everyone they meet.

As I mentioned, I really love the group dynamic of the four hosts. They are all so different, but so funny in their own ways, and you can really tell how close they become as friends as the show progresses. Their interactions are so hilarious, but also each person’s individual quirks also create amazing television.


Give this show a try if you’re looking for a wildly entertaining show that leaves you smiling every time 🙂

UPDATE: I just heard the news that Yuk Seong-jae and Lee Sang-yun are leaving the show, and that their last episode will be aired in March…I’m very saddened!! The show won’t be the same without these two lovely guys. But, from what I hear, their reasons for leaving is to pursue their individual careers (Seong-jae is releasing his solo album and also preparing for a role in a drama, and Sang-yun is also wanting to focus on his acting career), so as long as it was a decision they made for themselves, I fully support them.

“Parasite” – Movie Review

I know, I know, I’m absurdly late to the party. I PROMISE I HAD WANTED TO WATCH THIS MOVIE BEFORE THE OSCARS WIN HYPE!! I just didn’t get a chance to because of the limited release in my country. Anyways, last night I watched it with my parents, sister, and fiancĂ©…


And it was amazing, Bong Joon Ho is a genius, and all the actors were *chef’s kiss* mwah. I’m not sure if it’s because of the psychological bias of knowing it’s a critically acclaimed movie, but I thought it was pretty masterful. Not only was it a beautifully shot movie that seriously highlights the disparity between classes in South Korea, it was surprisingly refreshing and darkly funny as well. One element  I think that was particularly handled well was the the use of visual and verbal metaphors! There was one scene early on where the poor family is given a “lucky stone” that promoted prosperity, and the son said “this is so metaphorical” – I thought that was an incredible witty use of dialogue that not only set the tone, but also made the audience attuned to the heavily allegorical nature of the movie. The image of stairs and staircases was used throughout the movie as a physical manifestation of upper and lower classes; walking upstairs led to scenes in the affluent settings where things appeared polished and happy, whereas every time a character travelled down a flight of stairs, it denoted the character’s literal “descent”, a grim return to physical and moral poverty. Another motif that was the movie emphasized was the use of light and dark. The poor families that relied on the rich family were literally like parasites (during one scene the poor father even talked about cockroaches), emerging when it’s dark, and then scattering when the light shines.

Besides the brilliant dialogue and visual story-telling, this movie had everything: humour, suspense (trust me…A LOT OF SUSPENSE), action, gore, you name it. I guess that’s why people have a hard time putting it into a category. I would classify it as a comedy thriller, but that title doesn’t fully capture the social commentary aspect of the movie. I’m not sure if the movie is a realistic portrayal of Korean culture, of if it was exaggerated for dramatic effect, but the message of the movie was depressingly clear: society is cruel and will always make sure there will be people at the bottom. The ending especially, really drove the nail into the coffin. Instead of ending on an ambiguous note, or with a strong sense of potential for redemption and resurrection, the movie ends where it started – in a dingy, low-class basement. There is a sense of hope, but it is darkened by the reality that just because there is a will, there is not always a way. The movie did a really good job of making it difficult to choose a side. Who were the victims here? The gullible good-natured, but totally self-centred rich people who almost unconsciously scorned the lower class? Or was it the deceptive and resentful poor family who worked hard but continuously got struck down by society and circumstance?

I would highly recommend this movie to anyone! Don’t be discouraged by foreign language films; I promise you, having to read subtitles is a negligible downside!!