Just Lion Around


Today I went to The Lion King Musical with my sisters, and it was incredible!!! I was very satisfied with the way they paid tribute to the original Lion King Disney movie, while expressing amazing levels of creativity, especially in terms of costume design and characterization. The costumes were all so vibrant and colourful, and I loved how the designers incorporated elements of real African culture into the animals’ “hides” or “fur”. It was art, I tell you. If I was deaf person who couldn’t enjoy the musical aspects of the show, I would still have a lovely time gazing at all the beautiful costumes and admiring the way the performers became one with their animals. It was almost like contemporary dance, really, the way they moved their bodies to simulate how lions prowl or how antelope leap. Add on the beautiful sets and smart use of lighting and visual contrast, and you have total eye candy.

But, for any production that claims to be a musical, the vocals, instrumental accompaniments, and ensemble numbers are extremely important. Believe me, this show delivered. The Lion King has a very special place in my heart because it was the first Disney movie I ever saw (I was around three years old). Like most people who grew up with Disney, I know the beloved story and songs by heart, and  I felt that this musical did a wonderful job of staying true to what everyone loves about the songs. However, there was definitely an added level of intensity and power simply because the Broadway cast was amazing, and everyone had pipes of gold.

All three of us loved the whole thing, and I would definitely recommend it to children and adults alike! This is the only Broadway musical I’ve ever seen, so I don’t really have any comparison, but I can pretty much guarantee that objectively, this show is an artfully rendered masterpiece.

Lion King Las Vegas

THE Lion King NY on broadway HANDOUT



I definitely felt the love tonight. THE LOVE THAT WENT INTO MAKING THIS PRODUCTION.