Movie Review: INSIDE OUT


I’m done. Too many emotions. Pixar has done it again folks.

I just got home from watching this incredible movie with my two younger sisters, and I’m still feeling VERY EMOTIONAL RIGHT NOW, which is why this reflection probably won’t make much sense. Inside Out absolutely met and exceeded my extremely high expectations. If you are a person who feels things and has emotions, then this movie is for you. Like, no joke. This movie presents the beauty and challenges of being a sentient being in a way that is so genuine and heart-felt. I literally started crying during the Pixar short film before the actual movie (“LAVA” – it was adorable!!), and basically had tears in my eyes/was outright bawling for like 80% of the actual film. Don’t get me wrong – it wasn’t a sad movie! It is a piece of art that is FULL of joy!! No, it wasn’t sad (not all of it, anyway), it was just so EMOTIONAL.

The two main conflicts that interplayed throughout the movie seemed simple, and maybe even “boring” (but DON’T LET THAT DECEIVE YOU). The main protagonist, Riley, has an amazing childhood, when suddenly her life is turned upside down (and inside out – baa dum tss) when her family moves to San Fransisco. Riley’s personified emotions (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear) struggle to help her adjust to new challenges, all the while presenting ideas and concepts that are startlingly deep and universally applicable, despite the light-hearted nature of the film overall.

As is with most Pixar movies, the story and characters are developed in ways that make them truly resonate with the audience. The movie itself is beautifully and vibrantly animated, the voice actors are perfect, and there was a completely harmonious blend of humour, wit, profound truths, and sincerity, making it a movie for children and adults alike. The character dynamic between Joy and Sadness strengthens the cornerstone of the film’s message, and the real-life implications of these two’s interactions create a heightened self-awareness. I can’t say much else without giving away essential plot details, and I think the less you know, the more enjoyable the movie will be, so I won’t fully express all the things about Inside Out that makes it an amazing, game-changing animated film for me. But like I said, if you are a human being, who feels things and has emotions, then you will understand when you watch it, trust me.

Finally, let me just say that I never thought a imaginary pink cat-elephant-dolphin hybrid named Bing Bong could make me cry so hard.


Back for Seconds: MAD MAX FURY ROAD

I decided that I wanted to give Mad Max more love, so I coordinated a spontaneous movie outing with a few members of my church small group and my younger sister last night lolol.


The second time watching this cinematic masterpiece was just as enjoyable as the first time, and I got to further appreciate all the plot elements and nuances that I missed the first time around.

One of the biggest pluses for me about this movie, was how it was a genuine feminist film. A lot of the times, the general public equates a “feminist movie” as one that includes a bad-ass woman who can fight villains while wearing a provocative jumpsuit. It actually really bothers me, because essentially it implies that such women contribute to feminism mainly because they have what are considered “masculine” traits. I loved how this movie depicted all the female characters as being strong in their own right. Furiosa was in some ways the typical ass-kicking female lead, but she was also an extremely vulnerable, sensitive person. All of the wives were portrayed as being feminine, delicate, perhaps even weak – but that’s what made them compelling characters! As feminists, we shouldn’t be condemning character traits that many of us irrefutably possess (ie: being sympathetic, having emotional intuition, etc).  Feminism is about celebrating women for everything it means to be a woman, not just the qualities that make us similar to men.

Anyways, sorry, I will stop raving about Mad Max. If you haven’t seen it yet, please go watch it!!

I should probably squeeze in a bit of studying, haha. Oh wait, the new Game of Thrones episode is out today. Whelp, today was a wash.


God bless!!