Hello, Internet Friend

And somehow, I knew I would find a way to put off having to study for the dental anatomy final exam on Friday. It’s already Tuesday night!! So much for, “I’m going to start today for real this time, nevermind the fact that I wasted my entire Reading Week bumming around playing candy crush and perusing tumblr and youtube”. *sigh* What a perfect day to finally take the plunge and make the blog I’ve been casually considering for quite a few years now, haha.

I am super insecure, and can’t even fathom the prospect that real live people will actually read this blog, but nonetheless, I shall pretend that I have an internet friend. I hereby address all subsequent entries to you.

I ought to bring you up to speed. I am six months into my first year of dental school, and so far, I am still so bowled over by how truly blessed I am to have a tangible,  positive future promised to me (God-allowing, of course, haha. Anything can happen!!) at such a young age.  I kid you not, I actually feel thankful every single day. Doesn’t matter if I have to get up at 6am to get to class on-time, or if I’m swamped with irrelevant medical student classes (sidenote: so here’s the thing about the faculty of dentistry at my university: it actually got adopted by the faculty of medicine some years back, so in our four-year DDS program, the first two years are spent largely with the med class. We take most of the courses they do, like cardiovascular block (which we’re doing now) as well as our own specialized dent classes, like oral biology, dental anatomy, and occlusion.), or if I had a slow start on the wax-up of the week (a wax-up project is basically where we make teeth models out of wax, trying to reproduce them as closely to anatomically correct typodonts as possible) – if I reflect on how I feel at any given moment during the day, I always find that I am full of joy 🙂

I am full of joy right now, in fact, even as my impending dental anatomy exam looms over me. I really ought to get at least a little bit done today, shouldn’t I…

I guess that means I’m done with this first entry! Hopefully it won’t be my last (Because that would be really sad. I should hope that I am a little more consistent and tenacious than that, haha).

God bless!